Prosperous farmers

Helping the farmers who supply our crops and products to prosper.


Climate change, rising production costs, and lack of diverse economic opportunities are making it increasingly hard for farmers to afford a decent standard of living. Our approach is designed to tailor support to farmers’ realities and build resilience in farming communities.


Our field staff and agronomists continually seek the best techniques and interventions to help farmers optimize their crop yields, quality and efficiency.  In 2023, together with our partners, our in-country field teams helped enhance farmer livelihoods by providing support such as training, agricultural inputs, credit and infrastructure to nearly 500,000 farmers across our global supply chains. And we’ve seen that when supported farmers earn a decent income, they’re more likely to invest in their farms and cover household costs, all of which can support other benefits like improving soil health or reducing the risk of child labor.

With our customers and partners, we focus on:

  • Training: Delivering besboke training programs to help improve farmers' yields,  quality, and income.
  • Resources: Providing farmers with improved varieties, credit, fertilizer, tools and  other equipment to reduce production costs.
  •  Social and economic support: Tailored outreach for women and youth in farming communities, such as VSLAs, vocational traineeships, and scholarships.
  • Living income: Applying ofi's Living Income Calculator to identify poverty hotspots and income drivers to apply to livelihood programs.

Reporting on our progress


Progress against our goals for empowering farming communities is reported in our Group 2023 Annual Report and dedicated product strategies: Cocoa Compass, Coffee LENS, Nut Trails and Dairy Tracks.


Updates for 2023 include:

- ofi's work with the The Living Income Community of Practice (LICOP)

- Farmer segmentation - success stories in Africa

- How we're empowering female voices within the cocoa community

Monitoring through AtSource+

AtSource+ allows customers to track metrics related to the economic opportunities of specific farmer groups. These metrics can include:


  • Average yield of a given farmer group 

  • Number of farmers trained in Good Agricultural Practices and the average change in productivity change for farmers who have completed the training

  • Number of farmers to receive a Farm Development Plan: personalized advice based on data designed to improve productivity on their farm 

  • Volumes of seeds, seedlings and fertilizer distributed to farmers

  • Value of farm support equipment distributed

  • Loans provided to farmers and workers


The AtSource dashboard also allows you to see how metrics change over time so you can understand the impact ofi programs have on farmers’ economic opportunities.

Farmer segmentation - success stories in Africa

The diversity of farm sizes, yields, skills, and economic context in our supply chains, means that interventions are more effective when tailored to each farmer’s reality. By applying a segmentation model to ofi’s extension services, we can tailor training and support to farmer’s economic circumstances and willingness to invest.


Since applying a segmentation model to extension services in our cashew supply chain in Ghana in 2021, over 400 cashew farmers have recorded a 55% yield increase following the adoption of advice from ofi agronomists on timely pruning and pest management. The model, which is also being applied in some of our coffee supply chains, allows our field teams to tailor training and support to farmers’ economic circumstances, farm type and willingness to invest.

Read ofi news

ofi targets to tackle poverty and scale up sustainability in global cashew supply chains

Today Olam Food Ingredients (“ofi”), one of the world’s largest suppliers of ingredients* from almonds to black pepper, has published sustainability targets to tackle the biggest challenges in the global cashew supply chain, starting with farmer livelihoods.

Ghanian female farmer harvesting cashews
Collaboration on living incomes

Key to unlocking a sustainable future for cocoa.

Group of woman opening cashew plant
How local cashew processing can be a catalyst for sustainable growth

By Arouna Coulibaly, Managing Director Côte d’Ivoire, ofi (olam food ingredients)


Snack bars, spreads, nut-milks, cookies, and other sweet treats; cashew is becoming an increasingly popular ingredient across applications from bakery to beverages, feeding demand for healthier snacking options and plant-based proteins.

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